Comfort Technologies


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I have a service check performed on my HVAC systems?
A: We strongly recommend that you schedule annual service checks to ensure your system continues to run at peak performance throughout the year. We’ll set you up on our Planned Service Maintenance Program, so we keep track of it for you.
Q: Can you replace my old HVAC system?
A: Absolutely. We specialize in upgrades and installation for older heating and cooling units. Our highly professional technicians will integrate your new system with your existing infrastructure or will provide accurate estimates for necessary changes. Simply contact us for more information.
Q: Do you offer free estimates?

Answer: Absolutely! All of our estimates are free for new equipment and installation work. Simply contact us and request service.

Q: Why should I replace my existing heating or air conditioning system?
A: You may wish to consider replacing your air conditioning or heating system if it is old, inefficient or in need of repair. Today’s systems are as much as 60% more efficient than those systems manufactured as little as ten years ago. In addition, if not properly maintained, wear and tear can reduce the actual or realized efficiency of the system. If you are concerned about utility bills or are faced with an expensive repair, you may want to consider replacing your system rather than enduring another costly season or paying to replace an expensive component. The utility cost savings of a new unit may provide an attractive return on your investment. If you plan on financing the purchase, the monthly savings on your utility bill should be considered when determining the actual monthly cost of replacing a system. The offsetting savings will often permit you to purchase a more efficient system.
Q: How long can I expect a new system to last?
A: If a qualified technician such as ours performs the preventative maintenance and regular service suggested for your unit, industry averages suggest that an air conditioner should last 12-15 years (sea coast applications may be less). Gas furnaces should last as many as 20-25 years.
Q: Will my new HVAC system qualify for a Federal tax credit?
A: Qualifications do change, so please check with us on current manufacturer and utility company rebates.
Q: How can I minimize the temperature difference in my warehouse or offices?
A: We recommend zoning systems for forced air or hot water heated businesses. We specialize in zoning systems and would be glad to provide a survey and estimate.
Q: Should I be concerned about Indoor Air Quality?
A: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), your exposure to air pollutants can be up to 100 times higher indoors than outdoors. We can install air quality products that will handle pollutants, humidity, and other issues to improve your health.
Q: Are you available for emergencies?

A: We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any heating or cooling emergencies that may occur. Please call us for prompt service.

Q: What areas do you serve?
A: Comfort Technologies proudly serves the entire Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex areas including Arlington, Irving, Plano, Mesquite, Mansfield, Denton, and more.
Q: How do your estimates work?
A: Each job is unique, so we estimate each job individually. We will come to your location and provide a survey and quotation based on your specific needs. Please contact us to learn more.
Q: Are you insured?
A: Yes. We are fully licensed, bonded and insured. Our license #: TACLA022213E


Do you have a question we haven’t mentioned? Please ask us!